
McAroney's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 13 (From 1 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 445 Points


Medals Earned: 13/16 (445/490 points)

The first Step 5 Points

Kill your first enemy

A slippery slope 10 Points

Kill 150 enemies

FirstWave 10 Points


SecondWave 10 Points

Defeat Wave 2

To keep the dead in check 10 Points

Kill 10 enemies

FifthWave 25 Points

Defeat Wave 5

Fourth Wave 25 Points

Defeat Wave 4

Killing them swiftly 25 Points

Kill 250 enemies

Third Wave 25 Points

Defeat Wave 3

Bounty Hunter 50 Points

Kill 350

SixthWave 50 Points

Defeat Wave 6

Not even a scratch 100 Points

Defeat a wave without getting hit

The Invader 100 Points

Defeat the Invader Ship

The destructor 10 Points

Upgrade Bullet to max

The tactician 10 Points

Upgrade FireRate to Max

The Mechanic 25 Points

Upgrade Health three times